All products sold on the website omnicompound.com they are sold for research purposes, in laboratory conditions and are not intended for human consumption or any other illegal purposes. The toxicological properties of the chemical products sold on this site have not been fully investigated, their physical, pharmacological properties have not been fully studied.
The client agrees to use all necessary precautions when researching our products, and will comply with all local laws and regulations of government organizations with the use of any omnicompound company products, and also accepts responsibility for any damage caused by improper use of our products.
Ignorance of the toxicity of the product, improper handling of the product or improper storage is entirely the responsibility of the customer.
The Customer declares and guarantees that he will use and test omnicompound products in strict accordance with the standards and with all applicable laws and regulations.
Our products are not intended for purchase or use by persons over the age of 18.
omnicompound products cannot be considered as medicines, medical products or cosmetics.
The customer purchasing our products is responsible for compliance with the laws of the local jurisdiction.
omnicompound company guarantees that the products must match the description of such products as was provided to the buyer.
omnicompound is not responsible for any claim for damages resulting from the resale of chemicals for the purpose of overcharging and does not give any guarantees that these products are suitable for sale or that they are suitable for any particular purpose.