Dissociative drugs

Dissociative drugs (also called “dissociative anesthetics”) are a type of psychedelics that cause distorted sensory perception and isolation from the environment. These substances greatly distort the perception of vision and sound. People who use dissociatives are in a dream-like state. Everything that happens around you seems unreal and blurry, there is confusion, detachment from emotions,Read More


Anticholinergic, or cholinolytic, agents are substances that weaken, prevent or stop the interaction of acetylcholine with cholinergic receptors. By blocking cholinergic receptors, they act in the opposite way to acetylcholine. In accordance with the division of cholinergic receptors into m- and n-cholinergic receptors, cholinolytic substances are also divided into substances with a predominant m- orRead More

Synthetic cathinones

Synthetic cathinones are a subgroup of NSAIDs that can be considered as structural derivatives of cathinone, which is the main active ingredient of the cat plant. Thus, synthetic cathinones are β–ketophenethylamines, and methcathinone, for example, is also known as β-ketoamphetamine and has a stimulating effect similar to that of amphetamine. A number of synthetic cathinonesRead More


History Α-Pyrrolidinopentiophenone was developed by the German pharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingelheim in the 1960s as a central nervous system stimulant.However, its illegal use as a recreational psychostimulant began about 10 years ago in the USA, Europe (Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Sweden) and Japan. The substance is often sold under the guise of “bath salts”. InRead More

What is cannabigerol?

Cannabigerol (CBG) is a type of cannabigerolic acid, which is formed in the trichomes of cannabis inflorescences. At the end of the growing season, cannabigerols trigger the process of leaf rejection, after which the plant uses the released resources for flowering. Having completed their mission, the acid and its derivatives break down into three compounds:Read More

The Netherlands expands the list of banned substances

The Netherlands is taking a decisive step in the fight against drug trafficking. The Tweed Chamber (lower house of Parliament) voted to amend the Opium Law. This decision is aimed at ending the constant game of “cat and mouse” between law enforcement agencies and drug manufacturers. The innovations will automatically ban substances similar to alreadyRead More


Neuroleptics – drugs for the treatment of mental disorders Neuroleptics are representatives of a large class of psychotropic drugs. The latter have a selective effect on the human psyche, i.e. on his thinking and emotions. Neuroleptics, in turn, slow down the neuropsychic processes and calm a person. However, if these antipsychotic drugs are prescribed toRead More


PHENAMINE (Phenaminum, Aktedrin, Alentol, Amphamine, Amphedrine, Amphethamini sulfas, Amphetamine sulfate, Benzedrine sulfate, Benzpropamine, Euphodyn, Isoamin; Ortedrine, Psychedrinum, Psychoton, Racephen, Raphetamine, Sympamin, Sympatedrine). White crystalline powder of bitter taste. Soluble in water (1:20 in cold, 1:3 in hot), slightly soluble in alcohol. Phenamine is a synthetic compound derived from phenylalkylamine. By its chemical structure and someRead More


Triazolam (Halcion, Triazolam, Halcion) has a pronounced hypnotic effect. Its effective hypnotic dose is 0.25 – 0.5 mg. It is rapidly absorbed when ingested and is relatively quickly excreted from the body. The half-life is 1.5 – 3 hours. Triazolam acts less long than nitrazepam. Daytime drowsiness and other side effects are less pronounced thanRead More


Phencyclidine-piperidine (abbreviated English PCP) is a synthetic pharmacological drug for intravenous anesthesia, an NMDA receptor antagonist; a dissociative substance. Created in the 1950s in the USA and used for medical purposes under the brand SERNYL until 1965. The use in clinical practice was discontinued due to excessive toxicity, including neurotoxicity. For some time it wasRead More

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