Phencyclidine-piperidine (abbreviated English PCP) is a synthetic pharmacological drug for intravenous anesthesia, an NMDA receptor antagonist; a dissociative substance. Created in the 1950s in the USA and used for medical purposes under the brand SERNYL until 1965. The use in clinical practice was discontinued due to excessive toxicity, including neurotoxicity. For some time it was used in veterinary medicine, but since 1979, the PCP has been banned from use and production, including due to non-medical use of the drug.
Name 1-(1-phenylcyclohexyl)-piperidine
Abbreviations PCP
Traditional names phencyclidine
Chemical formula C17H25N
Rac. formula C17H25N
Physical properties
Molar mass 243.387 g/mol
CAS reg. number 77-10-1
PubChem 6468
EINECS Reg. No. 621-588-0
ChEBI 8058
ChemSpider 6224

Currently, Phencyclidine is included in the List I of controlled substances in Russia as a narcotic. In the USA, it is assigned by the DEA to the list II of narcotic drugs (eng.). It is also included in schedule II of the Convention on Psychotropic Substances (1971).
Street and slang designations of the drug: Peace pill, Angel dust, HOG, Killer weed, KJ, Embalming fluid, Rocker fuel, Sherms, etc.
In its pure form, it is a white crystalline powder, due to contamination, it may have a different color.
Often, Phencyclidine is consumed by drug addicts through smoking, after mixing with various plant materials, it can also be consumed orally or by inhalation.
PCP is obtained illegally, including from Piperidine, which led to its inclusion in List II of narcotic drugs (Eng.) as a precursor.
As an anesthetic, phencyclidine was used in doses of 0.25 mg/kg.
When used, it causes physiological dependence, memory loss, difficulties in speech and learning, depression; some effects may persist for a long time after discontinuation. In combination with other substances, such as alcohol or benzodiazepines, it can lead to coma. Among the symptoms of overdose are respiratory depression, convulsions, convulsions, death from respiratory arrest.
The combination of phencyclidine and other narcotic drugs, in particular marijuana, leads to higher toxicity, and, as a rule, causes a much more severe and prolonged nature of poisoning similar to alcohol.